Minenwerfer Minenwerfer - Der Blutharsch

Cold, so cold
The mountain air, thin and spare
The Sun obscured
By endless winter

Winds rush through the valley pass
As snow falls upon icy paths
From pale white it fades to red
With the blood of my comrades

From the canyon floor
To the tundrous peaks
The cannons belch forth
Through the many weeks
Frozen, starving
In fields of ice
This barren trench
Altar of sacrifice

Holding position
In oceans of white
My hands go numb
From the frostbite
Man the machinegun
Against the next wave
Snowblind and shivering
Send them to the grave
Blood of these men
Spills on the land
Fruitless offensives
From frontline command
Perched on the watchtower
I see their advance
Through deep snow
Without a chance
Feeding the belt
Round after round
Another regiment
Savagely gunned down
The story of war
Blood and revenge
Just like the winter
Will never end

And the blood covers the snow
And the blood covers the snow
The forest, the mountains
The valleys of crosses
And the blood covers the snow